Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Eclipse [M]

Seattle is in a state of complete panic as an army of newborn vampires are continuously slaughtering people in order to quench their thirst. Back in Fawkes, Bella is facing yet more emotional problems, as Jacob is still not talking to her, Edward is starting to get over-protective, and the Volturi could show up at any moment and see that she is still human. 

The wait is over all you fangirls: Team Edward or Team Jacob? I mean come on; we all know to whom Bella’s going to turn, even without reading the book. Eclipse was really just another Twilight movie: you either like it or you don’t. I will say though, that I did enjoy this film a little bit more because we got to learn the stories of both Rosalie and Jasper, who has always been my favourite character. 

Seattle is in a complete state of panic as an army of newborns are killing copious amounts of people in order to quench their newfound thirst. Back in Fawkes, Bella’s problems just keeping piling up. Jacob is refusing to talk to her, Edward is growing evermore protective, the Volturi could show up at any time and see that Bella she is still human, she hasn’t answered Edward’s proposal, Victoria is still out to get her, and her graduation is fast approaching. Now, with the realisation that Victoria is breeding this newborn army to bring down the Cullens, Bella’s stress levels are stretched to the absolute breaking point. With neither the strength nor the numbers to defeat the newborns, the vampires of Fawkes are forced to work side by side with the werewolves. However, this proves easier said than done. 

Admittedly there was really nothing amazing about this movie. It was just like its predecessors Twilight and New Moon. Though I will say that it does become a little darker and there is not as much light-hearted comedy involved like the others. I particularly liked this one because it wasn’t just about Bella and her bizarre love triangle. We got to learn the stories of both Rosalie and Jasper, which I loved because Jasper has always been my favourite character… screw Team Edward and Team Jacob, I’m on my own team: Team Jasper for the win! 
The other thing I liked about this movie was that there was a good battle between the Cullens, werewolves and the newborns. So there’s that action element to play against the emotional suspense and romance of the movie. 
But on the whole, Eclipse was just the same as the other movies in the saga. Filled with romance, suspense, sinister plots, bloodlust, and action, if you’re a Twilight fan you’ll love it, if you’re not don’t bother, and if you couldn’t really give a damn it’s fine to watch. As I have said before, you either like these movies or you don’t. 

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