Sunday, July 18, 2010

New Moon [M]

Bella is in love with a vampire, but there are so many things that could destroy her relationship. Can she muster the strength and courage to pull through it all?

Yes yes I know, but I watched the first one a while ago and it just so happens that the second one was the movie I chose to watch last night.
So here we go... the Twilight saga...
The first movie was simply an introduction to the characters and the romance between Edward and Bella. Now we get into the nitty gritty and emotional conflict. Bella cannot even think of a life without Edward. And she knows that he cannot protect her forever.

Bella - "At some point, something's going to seperate us. It'll be an accident or illness or old age."
Whilst at a celebration for her birthday, Bella gets a paper cut and Edward's brother Jasper who hasn't been away from human blood as long as the other Cullens have, cannot stop himself. He attacks. After a close call, Edward realises that he cannot protect Bella forever, but he refuses to turn her into a vampire despite her constant hints. He decides to give Bella a chance at a normal life without any interference from him and his family. However this does not agree with Bella.

It seems Bella has some sort of monster fetish or something because halfway through the film we learn that Jacob Black, who you will remember from the first movie, and with whom Bella soon begins hanging around is actually a werewolf. Hmmm, interesting choice. Mind you, my life depended on picking between Team Edward and Team Jacob, Jake would have my vote. There's something about the whole tribal band of brothers thing that I really like.
I do have to say that I like this movie so much better than the first, but that was the case with the books as well. I somehow managed to force myself through the first book and then onto the second, and about halfway through, I think that's when I got sucked into the whole thing. I like this movie because there is more emotional conflict as Bella soon develops a strong attachment to Jacob, but with the memory of Edward still with her, she doesn't really know how she can go about the whole thing. There is more action and more colour in this film than the first and the music isn't as bleak either. The film just seems a little lighter and not as serious as the first. That's what I like.
As I have mentioned before, the whole Twilight phenomenon is something you either like or you don't. New Moon is the second in the series and I think that it is much better than the first film, but as I said, Twilight is a two-way stretch. So you're either positive or negative. If you're curious, you may as well sit down and watch the films, but if you have no interest, you're not really missing much.

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