Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Motherhood [MA]

Her daughter is turning 6. She is throwing a party. She needs to move the car. She must guy groceries for the elderly neighbour. She can't forget to take the dog for a walk. She must buy groceries and party decorations. On top of all this, she needs to write an article about what motherhood means to her before midnight. Could this be the longest of her life?

Uma Thurman stars is this wonderful little movie that really shows you how traumatic and degrading and completely insane the world of motherhood is.

Eliza was once a creative and talented fictional writer, but that venting avenue was closed up as she entered the world of motherhood. On the day of her daughter's sixth birthday, Eliza's to-do list a mile long. She needs to get everything together for her daughter's party. She needs to move the car because the road sweeper comes today. She needs to walk the dog as she won't get another free minute. Then there's the laundry, the cleaning, the babysitting, and the keeping up social appearences. Before attempting to accomplish all these tasks, Eliza receives a pop-up ad about a writing competition for a mother's magazine. She could win a mass amount of money and get a real job just by submitting a piece about motherhood and what it means to her, before midnight. But with everything going wrong from her car being towed to being abused in a shopping line for using her phone, could this be the longest day of Eliza's life?

I haven't seen many parent-themed movies, but I will take a chance and say that this film was really insightful as to what happens when a woman becomes a mother. The film really showed that maternal instinct that I think most women have. We over-exert ourselves to take care of others and make sure that everything is perfect for them. It also comes from that desire for praise and to be acknowledged for the amount of effort we put into everything.
Uma was absolutely beautiful in this movie. You basically have empathy in this flick, when it comes to Uma's performance. You can literally feel her frustration, sadness, anger and every other feeling that's humanly possible to fit into one body.
This movie is one of those "sleepers", I think they're called. You know, those movies that you've never heard of, but when you see it on dvd, you hire it and find that it's really clever and entertaining. Better than many of those big blockbusters. You have a magnificent performance from Uma, quite a few eccentric mums, a fair bit of language, and a beautiful and happy ending. A movie that is definitely worth watching, keep your eye out for Motherhood in your local video shop!

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