Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes [PG]

Lorelei Lee is a woman cursed with a delicious figure, beautiful blonde hair, a gorgeous face, and a lust for expensive jewels. When she gets engaged to a charming rich gentleman, she sets off to meet him in Paris, but on the boat ride over, she gets up to her old tricks. Unbeknown to Lorelei, her fiancĂ©’s father has hired a private detective to watch her every move. Will there be a happy ending for Lorelei or has her lust for diamonds landed her in water that’s too hot? 

Another triumph for the dazzling Marilyn Monroe and proving that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes is a stunning little musical that’s packed to bursting with romance, comedy, music, and all that glitters and shines. 

Lorelei Lee is a woman cursed with a delicious figure, beautiful blonde hair, a gorgeous face, and a lust for expensive jewels. When she gets engaged to a charming rich gentleman, she sets off to meet and marry him in Paris, but on the boat ride over, she gets up to her old tricks and begins to flirt dangerously with a much older diamond mine owner. Unbeknown to Lorelei, her fiancĂ©’s father has hired a private detective to watch her every move on the journey. Will there be a happy ending for Lorelei or has her lust for diamonds landed her in water that’s too hot? 

This was another classic musical for the Golden Age of cinema. Like Singin’ In the Rain or An American In Paris, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was adorably camp and amorous as well as founded upon a simple and engaging story that leant itself to all sorts of comedic interpretation. Not only that, but there were strong messages of love and friendship thrown in between the glamorous and shining musical numbers. It was a very light, but also a very nicely balanced romantic comedy. 
Marilyn Monroe stars as Lorelei and she was absolutely delightful. Between her adorable wispy singing, her stunning costumes and jewellery, and her delicious carriage, she delivered a performance within a performance really well. She played a rather bright woman who played the part of a complete ditz, playing to the appeals of men. She was just gorgeous from beginning to end. 
Although Marilyn was incredibly stunning, Jane Russel, who played her best friend Dorothy Shaw, was the real star. She was Lorelei’s support and she delivered a performance that was charming, brave, flirtatious, glamorous, and incredibly protective. I loved her right through! 
Starring Charles Coburn, Elliot Reid, Tommy Noonan, George Winslow, Marcel Dalio, Taylor Holmes, Norma Varden, Howard Wendell, and Steven Geray, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was a lovely little romantic comedy filled with glamour, romance, comedy, musical numbers, and everything shiny. It has to be said that all that glitters is not gold, but it’s just as dazzling! 

But square-cut or pear-shaped, these rocks don’t loose their shape. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. 

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