Monday, June 16, 2014

Heathers [M]

In high school, life’s a bitch. At Westburg High, it’s a megabitch and it goes by the name of Heather. If you’re not a ‘Heather’, you’re a nobody and Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, and Heather McNamara are the coolest of the cool. In the powerful ‘Heather’ clique is Veronica, who has now become resentful of her best friends’ cruel peer politics. Enter mysterious and sexy new boy Jason Dean who offers Veronica the perfect method of escape. But soon their relationship starts to accumulate a body count and though various people who made Veronica’s life hell have been removed from the picture, is high school really a better place? 

A devilishly delightful dark comedy, Heathers has everything you want in a cult movie: high school cliques, murder, conflicts of interest, psychos, and 80s fashions. Who could ask for anything more right? Not to mention it’s Christian Slater and I have to admit that the man is sexy. And as a psychotic teenager, oof meow (yes I said ‘meow’). 

In high school, life’s a bitch. At Westburg High, it’s a megabitch and it goes by the name of Heather. If you’re not a ‘Heather’, you’re a nobody and Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, and Heather McNamara are the coolest of the cool. In the powerful ‘Heather’ clique is Veronica, who has now become resentful of her best friends’ cruel peer politics. Enter mysterious and sexy new boy Jason Dean who offers Veronica the perfect method of escape. But soon their relationship starts to accumulate a body count and though various people who made Veronica’s life hell have been removed from the picture, is high school really a better place? 

What’s particularly great about this movie is that you can never see where it’s going. And I do mean never. What begins as a harmless teen clique comedy takes a slightly darker turn after the first murder, and from there the ball is in who knows what court. Anything can happen… and it does! 
The film’s power and intrigue lies within its writing and direction. The entire thing is just under 2 hours of sincereness and adherence to a certain genre, but of course the events of the film’s plot take back seat to the nonchalance with which they are met. The audience, and indeed half the time the film’s protagonist, are completely in the dark about what’s going on, specifically regarding the character of Jason. Christian Slater’s devilishly handsome face and his being able to radiate the utmost coolness, keeps bums in seats and eyes on screen and even at the end we’re still wondering what’s going on in his head. It’s hard to put into words the displacement and uncertainty that one experiences when they watch this film, but I still think that’s it’s a film that needs to be shared and if I can pique your interest in seeing it, then I’ll have done something good. 
Starring Winona Ryder, Christian Slater, Shannen Doherty, Lisanne Falk, Kim Walker, Penelope Milford, Glenn Shadix, Lance Fenton, Patrick Labyorteaux, Jeremy Applegate, Jon Shear, and Renee Estevez, Heathers is a strange and off-centre little comedy that has all the markings of a cult classic. Filled with teenage angst, drama, romance, comedy, murder, psychos, and memorable 80s fashions, it’s a film that I really enjoyed and I will admit that it isn’t for everyone. It’s a quirky little piece that keeps you on your toes and therein lays its power. I really enjoyed it. 

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