Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Red Dog [PG]

Red Dog is a charismatic kelpie who became an Australian legend as he united a disparate mining community in Dampier in the 1970s and 80s while roaming the Australian outback in search of his true, lost master. 

So here I am, tearing up something dreadful and sodden, after finding out why everyone is raving about Red Dog. IT’S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL FILM; heart-warming, heartbreaking, tear-jerking, uplifting, giggle-inducing, and altogether wonderful. 

Red Dog is a charismatic kelpie who became an Australian legend as he united a disparate mining community in Dampier in the 1970s and 80s while roaming the Australian outback in search of his one true, lost master. 

Based on an amazing and just altogether breathtaking and incredible true story, Red Dog is a beautiful family film that has restored my waning sense of patriotism. I have to admit that, before Red Dog, it seemed that all the Aussies were coming out with in regards to cinematic input were gritty, confronting, and really close-to-the-bone dramas that both engage and repel audiences. But this film proved that there is a beating heart beneath the hardened and sunburnt exterior of this unique country. 
It must first be said that Koko, the star of the show, was really the star of the show. There are animals and there are actors and Koko was as strong an actor as any of his supporting human cast, if not more so. A beautiful animal who, I believe, had only done modelling previously and no acting, his performance was just amazing to behold; not just his barking at appropriate moments or growling or pining or whatnot, but his movements, his facial expressions… Koko is now, probably, the most sought-after dog-actor on the planet! 
The film is a series of reminiscences… and that is all I am willing to say on the topic lest I ruin it for everyone who has not seen the film. I am telling you now, that it is a must-see movie that harbours absolutely everything: fit for the perfect family afternoon. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, it’ll change your life. 
With great performances from Josh Lucas, Rachael Taylor, Noah Taylor, Luke Ford, Rohan Nichol, John Batchelor, Arthur Angel, and a classic cameo from Bill Hunter (no Aussie film would be complete without him), Red Dog is a really beautiful film that’s filled with road trips, live animals, romance, friendship, action, sadness, and unification. It’s really, really beautiful and I urge everyone to go down to their local Blockbuster and grab a copy. It’s just gorgeous and not to be missed!

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