Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pretty Woman [M]

Edward Lewis is rich, suave, and powerful, but in spite of all this he’s not really happy. But those circumstances change when he gets lost in Hollywood Boulevard and asks directions from a street-smart hooker with a heart of gold named Vivien. Upon personally guiding him back to his hotel, Vivien charms Edward to the extent that he hires her to be his “beck-and-call girl” for the entire week, giving her unlimited use of his credit cards and bringing her up from rags to riches. 

I love this movie! Absolutely everything about it is romantic and refreshing: the Cinderella story, the performances, the fresh and funny script, and even soundtrack, which is a mixture of both hip and modern tracks as well as lovely atmospheric instrumental ones. Earning its place in The Book, Pretty Woman is a timeless romantic comedy. 

Edward Lewis is rich, suave, and powerful, but in spite of all this he’s not really happy. But those circumstances change when he gets lost in Hollywood Boulevard and asks directions from a street-smart hooker with a heart of gold named Vivien. Upon personally guiding him back to his hotel, Vivien charms Edward to the extent that he hires her to be his “beck-and-call girl” for the week, giving her unlimited use of his credit cards and bringing her up from rags to riches. 

Well, it would be massively wrong of me not to draw attention to the facets of the story that make this movie so appealing right from the off. Pretty Woman takes the best scenarios from timeless tales of romance and combines them all into a one modern and gloriously original love story that will stand the test of time. 
Without a doubt, much of the story’s clout comes from the story of Cinderella; the whole rags-to-riches and overcoming-adversity-by-going-from-trashy-beginning-to-elegant-end type thing, although there are a few subtle hints of My Fair Lady (which incidentally is based on Pygmalion) as well. This raw idea is then twisted about to appeal more to a modern audience hence, in place of being locked up by an evil stepmother, we see the heroine being beaten by men and treated as nothing more than a toy. 
The other thing that I feel is important to mention about this movie is the fact that everything, absolutely everything is filmed in a really romantic way. The movie used everything at its disposal, providing us with memorable relationships, and possibly the most tasteful and romantic sex scenes ever! I mean come on, the fact that when they make love on the piano is accompanied by nothing but silence, no music at all, is just really elegant and proves to be very powerful too. 
Our two leads were perfect together with Richard being charming, suave, but caged, and Julia being free-spirited, charming, and very eager to prove herself. I loved them both. 
Starring Richard Gere, Julia Roberts, who earned herself an Academy Award nomination for this film, Ralph Bellamy, Jason Alexander, Laura San Giacomo, Alex Hyde-White, and Hector Elizondo, Pretty Woman is a timeless romantic classic that’s filled with great outfits, glamour, comedy, and drama. It’s an instant fairy tale classic, I absolutely love it!

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