Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Breakfast Club [M]

When these five students turned up for Saturday detention, they were simply the Brain, the Jock, the Princess, the Criminal, and the Basket Case. But, as the day drags on and they learn more about one another, they become The Breakfast Club; five complete strangers with nothing in common, except each other. 

This is one of my top ten favourite films of all time. Each time I watch this movie, I discover some new little message or layer of drama or comedy and it’s just fantastic. Without a doubt, the best film that John Hughes ever did! 

And these children that you spit on as they try to change their world, are immune to your consultations. They’re quite aware what they’re going through. – David Bowie. 

When these five students turned up for Saturday detention, they were simply the Brain, the Jock, the Princess, the Criminal, and the Basket Case. But as the day drags on and they learn more about one another and become the oddest assortment of friends, they become The Breakfast Club: five strangers with noting in common, except each other. 

What is most gorgeous about this movie is its simplicity. The entire film takes place within a day and, for the most part, within the four walls of a high school library. The central drama comes in the form of the characters’ intimate stories about their dysfunctional home life and what they did to land themselves in detention. The film really explores the sinister and dramatic themes of high school, in particular, peer pressure and parental pressure. 
The other thing that makes this movie so memorable is the odd assortment of characters that make up the Breakfast Club. The Princess is the rich and spoilt Prom Queen who cut school to go shopping. The Jock is the motivated wrestler who punished another boy for being weak. The Brain is the straight A student who almost did something drastic when he got an F. The Criminal is the loud and disruptive guy who practically lives in detention. And the Basket Case is the ignored girl who had nothing better to do. It’s a wonderful collection and the chemistry between them all is absolutely amazing. 
With stunning performances from Molly Ringwald, Judd Nelson, Emilio Estevez, Anthony Michael Hall, and Ally Sheedy The Breakfast Club is one of the greatest teen dramas to ever grace our screens. Filled with drama, vandalism, comedy, drugs, intimate stories, defiance, and wonderful friendships, it’s earned its place in The Book as well as a place in my collection and my top ten favourite films of all time! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!

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